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标准号:ASTM E1368-2005e1 作 废      

英文名称:Standard Practice for Visual Inspection of Asbestos Abatement Projects
中标分类:Z22 ICS分类:13.030.30
标准分类编号:AS 页数:12
发布日期: 实施日期:2005-05-01 作废日期:
被替代标准: 代替标准序号:
引用标准:Asbestos Abatement and Management in Buildings:;ASTM E1494;ASTM E2356;ASTM E2394;ASTM E631;ASTM E736
标准摘要:1.1 This practice covers procedures for performing visual inspections of asbestos response actions to:1.1.1 Establish the extent of the required work before it begins;1.1.2 Determine the progress and quality of the work and evaluate the completeness of the response action; and1.1.3 Evaluate the cleanliness of the work area prior to final air testing for clearance (if performed), and subsequent to dismantling of critical barriers.1.2 This practice can be used on an abatement project, or for operations and maintenance (OM) work, performed by the building owner's staff. It can also be used in conjunction with contract documents between the building owner and other parties involved in an abatement project. Note 1Standard contract documents (such as AIA and EJCDC documents) define contractual relationships and responsibilities for projects within the construction industry. Asbestos abatement projects differ from traditional construction projects in the manner of their design and execution,
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主办单位: 陕西省标准化研究院 技术支持: 浙江省方大标准信息有限公司